Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Discombobulation (and quite a few F-bombs in the mix)

My emotions are running all over the map lately, and I'm having a hard time getting a handle on them.  We're all busy in my casa with school finals and work and snow, snow, snow and life's been chaotic for the last few weeks.  Normally I do fine with the day-to-day hectic stuff, but we've also had a couple of viruses hit us and I've been seriously low on energy, so it's been a bit difficult to deal.

I'm making a conscious effort everyday to just breathe and reminding myself a lot that this too, like everything else, will pass.  It's just little stuff, ya know?

So in the middle of it all, actually sick and tired and trying to get the grocery shopping done at my least favorite (though cheapest) store on Sunday afternoon (the worst possible time of the week to be in said store with all of the post-church families in their Sunday go to meeting clothes,) my youngest DD chose to tell me that the Crazymakers had found another loophole and attempted contact.  Again.

They came up with this little trick a few years ago where NSis makes friends with what I can only call broken women and their children.  They're usually single moms, usually ladies with obvious self-worth issues and they usually don't have much of a support system in place.  NSis swoops in and enfolds the broken woman into the 'loving' arms of the Clan.  I've been a single mom.  I know how hard it is and how much being alone in the crazy world of parenting can make a person feel isolated and like screaming, "Would it be too much to get a little fucking help here?!?"  I'm guessing that the many hands of the Clan looks comforting and probably even feels that way for awhile.

So, these little families get roped into the farce and then the various members of the NFOO go about determining their worth; of what use these people are.  Children are not immune in my NFOO to being assigned roles.  Children in my NFOO are to be used and hurt and discarded along with adults.  S'what they do.  They're good at it.

So, the children of these 'broken' (or are they just stupid?  I don't know) women - and they are always women for some reason - get roped into the games and are used as pawns and minions.  In some sick perversion of the needs of the whole outweighing the needs of the individual, these kids - I can think of five separate individuals from four separate families over the last three years - get sent out to do NM's or NSis's bidding.  In three years my DD's have heard five different but eerily similar versions of this:

"I just wanted to let you know that I know your aunt/grandma really well, and if you ever want to talk to her, you can send a message through me.  You can send a note or I can give her your number and I promise your mom won't find out."

What.  The.  Fuck.

Now, my DD's have done okay with these Narc sneak attacks.  They've told me about them every single time and have responded to them with stunned (at first) or cold (more recently) silence.  They've gotten pretty good at the non-emotional brush off along the lines of, "Um, thanks.  Have a good day."

We know it's not these kids' fault.  They're being used.  They're sent unarmed into battle with the missive that they're doing a good thing, really, with no real knowledge of the potential quagmire they're putting themselves into.  They've been given a convincing version of the Great Crazymaker Clan Lies and they don't know any better.  How could they?  After all, if any of them ever got up the urge to question the squeaky clean story of crazy-Vanci-who-won't-let-us-see-our-granddaughters/nieces-because-she's-messed-up-so-bad-but-we're-perfect, well, we know how the Clan deals with dissenters, don't we?  They'd be beaten down before they could say boo.  I'm proud of my daughters for dealing with these other kids with grace and class.  I'm proud of them for telling the truth about these overtures of crazy.

But I'm pissed, I am oh so fucking angry.  Dangerous angry.  Spitting bullets angry.

Who does this to kids?  What kind of a person ever, under any circumstances, puts that kind of message and weight on the shoulders of children?  My girls deal well with it, sure, but it pegs my needle in the red that my darling daughters have to even suffer the interruption in their goddamn lives.  They don't deserve that!  But, oh, wait, we're talking about narcissists here; guaranteed they haven't thought for one minute what that kind of message can do to a kid, either the child receiving it or delivering it.

And those poor messengers; what's the message?  I've never met an upstanding and mature adult who would ever even think to convey to a child that keeping secrets is a good thing.  Because it's not, you know, our secrets make us sick, and asking a child to carry them is one of the cruelest things I can think of.  The only conceivable circumstance I can even stretch to where it would be okay to tell a child that they can confide in me and keep it secret would be a short term promise in cases of abuse and only then would a secret be kept long enough to seek professional help, ie law enforcement.  And I certainly wouldn't send that message through a child.

But wait, I keep forgetting, when I'm dealing with a child I have the child's best interests at the forefront of my action.  The NFOO doesn't have the child's interests anywhere in their gameplan; children are pawns and excellent supplies of narc supply (not to mention fodder for abuse) to NM, ENF, NSis and GCYB.  It's all about what the Narcs can get out of them, what life and blood they can suck from the marrow of the innocents.  In that context, kids are probably the best find ever; they are incapable in so many ways of fighting back.

And a large part of me right now is screaming for a fight.  I want so badly to just start posting on this blog with my real name, to start telling my story on my everyday Facebook, to send an email to Uncle Minion asking him to pass along that if there is one more fucking attempt to contact, I'll be publishing details of NF's sexual abuse of me and the DD's, NM's cover-up and drug addictions, NSis's and GCYB's drug and alcohol use in the fucking local paper.

Some part of me knows that this isn't the right avenue to take, though fuck me if I know what the right way is.  I don't want to open up my DD's to scrutiny or fear of retaliation, I really don't want to stir the kettle for them anymore than it already has been.  As far as those messenger kids, what's to be done?  Their parents are allowing them to be around the seemingly wonderful and loving and pathetic 'grandparents,' and obviously presenting them as some sort of role models.  They haven't, technically, done anything wrong.

Technically.  But I know different.  I know the fucked up blame the victim and use, use, use the innocents platform they're coming from.  And I just want to take a flame-thrower to it.

So, for now, I'm sitting in it and keeping the whole situation in my conscious thoughts while trying not to dwell overly much, because I know about watched pots not boiling.  Some course of action will open itself up to me, I'm certain, and it will make perfect sense when it does.  But for now, fuck, fuck, fuck I just want to seek and destroy.

Not my most enlightened post, this one.  Thanks for reading anyway, and please do let me know if you have any ideas.  What would you do?


P.S.  I've talked to professionals about the sexual abuse, and for various reasons we have no prosecuteable case.  I'd love to be able to file charges, trust me, and see it all the way through prison time, but what is wrong and the framework of wrong that the law provides are entirely different things, unfortunately.  So, that option's not an option.


  1. I understand prosecution not being a choice. Some how that makes it harder. I am really impressed with the relationship you have with your daughters. That part keep doing what you are doing. The pawns, hard to know sometimes. The need for approval can be so high that pawns can be unpredictable. Kind of tiring to live with your guard up. I enjoyed the years that I moved across country. Felt sad when we moved back. I will come back and read other comments to see if someone else has some ideas on this. I am interested in the answers too.

    1. Ruth, thanks for understanding the sheer exhaustion of 'living with your guard up.' It helps to know that others experience this, too. I'm grateful for my relationship with DD's, too, and so proud of them for being so honest and willing to engage. I'm interested to read ideas, too!

  2. Document everything. Isn't it sad that's about all you can do? Continue to support your daughters. A friend of mine taught her kids that secrets are meant to be told. To differentiate good secrets, she called them surprises. Surprises would also be told, but they had to wait until the right time. Keep being strong, Vanci!

    1. Judy,
      I am and have been documenting for awhile - I think that we ACoNs are all interested in the documentation process, if for no other reason than it helps us to keep the reality straight even when the Narcs are free swinging with their tactics to make us forget! Keeping secrets is something that I stopped doing for good when I got sober, and my girls were old enough to see and participate in the process. We know how sick secrets can make us, and it's been a silver lining of my work in sobriety that they've witnessed the process of 'cleaning out the gutters' and keeping them clean. I will stay strong, thanks for your support!

  3. Sick bastards!

    Your kids sound amazing and I'm thrilled to hear they haven't been sucked down the black hole by these tactics. Even my 29 year old daughter waivers at times because she has a hard time fighting the FOG. Fortunately, she's on the shit list too, for dating the "wrong" man.

    I don't know where you find the strength to stay in the vicinity of these whack jobs. Reading your blog makes me eternally grateful for the distance and lack of computer skills in my FOO that give me a measure of peace. This NC is the 1st time my crowd haven't pulled...I'm going blind, I've had a fall, somebody died or I'm about to die.

    As for options, I'm thinking restraining order. Going public sounds like a good option too. Meantime, as Judy says, document every single thing!

    I'm royally pissed just reading this shit! Can't imagine living it!

    Hugs, mulderfan

    1. mulderfan,
      I totally second that; sick bastards!

      The girls are amazing; incredible young ladies who are so wise and so strong and intelligent. I'm so proud of them. They occasionally get 'sucked in' mostly by the pathetic and weak picture of a poor frail old grandmother that NM likes to present, but they're honest about it and we can talk about it. I fear what the future will bring for them sometimes, but I also rejoice that they have such strong foundations to act from.

      I sometimes don't know how I stay here either, except that apart from the NFOO, I have a FANTASTIC life - husband, friends, loving AA, house - and the girls do too. I sometimes regret not having moved away, but the cost of what I would have to give up to be geographically rid of the NFOO is just too great. I don't want to let them take one more good thing from me!

      I've thought about a restraining order, too, but I have some experience with that in this state and I'm certain that their overtures are not direct enough or violent enough to assure that the court would issue one. (I live in one of the most backwards states in the union.)

      Thanks for your kindness and empathy.

  4. Hi, Vanci,

    I'm not sure I would go the restraining order route; there are so many documented cases of the abusers breaking the order and nothing happening to them, and that's worse than no order at all.

    I struggled with the NFOO, too, showing up at school (they were not allowed, but they did it anyway and the school did nothing) and otherwise trying to get to the DS.

    1. Anon,
      See my note above to mulderfan re: restraining orders. However, having had some experience with this after the breakup of my first marriage, I'd add this: restraining orders are just pieces of paper, but they do create a genuine record and can help to build a stronger case against an abuser who violates them. They don't make abusive people less abusive, but they do give the police and courts more power to act.

      How did you work out the N's showing up at your DS's school, if I may ask?

  5. In this case the humiliation factor of having an order slapped on them might have the desired effect. Maintaining their facade of the perfect, caring family seems pretty damn important to Vanci's FOO.

    I do recognize that in cases involving former partners orders can often aggravate the situation.

    1. mulderfan,
      Yeah, they'd certainly hate to be publicly outed, but I don't think even that would phase them, really. Water rises to its own level, ya know? And they've surrounded themselves with people who are so willing to believe the lie that even if I posted frame-by-frame pictures of abuse on youtube, their clan members and minions would just say I made them up or something along those lines. The people who would believe it, no doubt, already do and stand by me already.

      I'm an advocate of restraining orders for the reasons in my comment above, and agree too that they can create more hostility. In this situation, if I thought I could actually attain one, I probably would, if for no other reason than to have a public record. If they ever attempted direct contact or harassment I'd certainly apply for one; but they know that, I'm sure. So they'll continue to be sneaky bastards, as well as sick ones!

  6. In our jurisdiction we have restraining orders that can be based on the persistent nature of the behaviour even if it appears to be non-violent. IMO what they're doing IS a form of violence!

    I can understand about not moving because it's like giving them one more victory and would cause tremendous upheaval for your kids. The scary thing is, I was so screwed-up that a few years ago, after my husband died, I was actually house-hunting is the area where my FOO lives! I wanted to move closer so I could support my NPs more as they got older! Came to my senses just in time! Phew!!!

    Cheers for rigorous honesty! The narcs would never be able to handle the 12 steps.

  7. Hi, Vanci, it's Anon again. To answer your question about the NPs showing up at the school despite explicit instructions to the school that they were not welcome: it was a private school and we ended up pulling out DS. We did this for several reasons, but a significant one was the very real danger the NPs would kidnap DS.

    In my state the county has to be notified if the child isn't in public school, and the NM called up the Board of Ed and was given the new school, but it's far enough away that they're not likely to just appear.

    It's crazy. But that's the NFOO for you; crazy. We went NC when DS (then age 6) took me aside one day and said, "You're not going to like this, but I have to tell you"...and began revealing the stomach-turning things NM had said about me to DS on the ONE TIME I left him with them unsupervised so I could get my car worked on without also entertaining a young child (that I was selfish, lazy, and didn't love anyone but myself). The Hubby was on a business trip and I foolishly thought leaving him just once would be okay. Mind you, the bad-mouthing came at the same time I had been handling NPs' financial and medical issues because they kept messing them up with serious consequences, chauffeuring NM around because she has always refused to drive (it's more fun for her to ride around like the Queen while others do all the work), making peace with the neighbors the NFOO are always feuding with, loaning them money, etc.

    I called them and told them what I had heard, and they thought it was hilarious that I was angry. On that day, the scapegoat/caretaker dropped all that. They're furious to this very day, years later, and they're still trying to capture the pawn--DS--and convert him to their way of thinking. Friends who know the family call me up laughing about their piteous wails on Facebook that their horrible daughter is keeping their beloved nephew/grandson from them. It's all for show.

    1. I came back to see the suggestions. Thanks for sharing the different ideas. Thanks Vanci for an excellent post.
