Friday, January 6, 2012

How Dare You?

I've been pondering something that NM said in one of our short on frequency but long on counter productivity meetings with my therapist.  My counselor's requirement after meeting NM once briefly was that should she want to take me up on my offer to meet with him as a mediator/witness, she would need to bring her own therapist.

She was seeing a therapist at the time because her doctor threatened to stop writing her prescriptions for, get this, methadone and hydrocodone at the same time, unless she sought counseling to 'explore other ways to deal with chronic pain.'  Huh.  What my seventeen years of pushing and pleading for her to get help wouldn't do, one threat of her losing her fix did.

Typical narcissistic self-fulfillment behavior, I see very clearly now, but at the time I hoped it was a sign of her desire to get better and have a better relationship with me.  Stop laughing, I didn't know any better!

Anyhoo, there were two meetings with her counselor and mine.  Then there were almost four years with no meetings.  Then we had a meeting in June.  Which was essentially the same meeting that we had all those years ago.  Lord, this shit does get redundant!

One of the things that sort of slipped by me in the second meeting all those years ago was this.  As a defensive posture against my awful, awful attack (in her mind,) NM said,
"And you go around telling people that our family is dysfunctional!  It's like you just want to hurt us."

Oh.  Me oh my.   How dare I call them dysfunctional?!?

Here's the thing.  Dysfunctional in its literal sense means that a thing that should function... doesn't.  It's broken.  Not working.  Out of order.   Improper.  

My NFOO was and is broken.  Dysfunctional.
My father physically, emotionally, mentally,verbally, spiritually and sexually abused his children.  My mother emotionally, mentally, verbally and spiritually abused her children.   The crimes that they did not commit personally  against their children, they covered up for each other.  These are not functional behaviors.  This is sickness, rot, disease and degenerate malignancy.  If the point of life is to grow and develop, my childhood was the evolutionary equivalent of a person walking into a desert with gills and flippers.  In other words, a huge step back from enlightenment.  Ahem, dysfunctional.

Childhood aside, look at us now.  NM, you have an entire branch of your 'family' that hasn't spoken to you voluntarily in four years.  You have an almost forty year old grown daughter (plus husband and son,) as well as a mid-thirties grown son (plus wife and one or two stepchildren) who ALL live with you in a 2000 square foot house either because they aren't allowed to or are too scared to launch away from the Clan.  You are all variously addicted to narcotic substances, some legal and some not so much.  You couldn't tell the truth to save your life, I think.  Your other daughter is a hateful and evil Narcissist and your son is a failure at life with the unwarranted ego of a Prima Donna, i.e. a Golden Child.  On what planet is this the definition of functional?

There are certain truths in my experience that are simply factual and not up for debate.
Grass = Green
Sky = Blue
Alcohol in my system = Disaster
NFOO = Highly Dysfunctional

Yet I am in the wrong in NM's mind for daring to call our 'family' dysfunctional.  I love how she made it sound like I was randomly throwing unjust and unfounded accusations around willy-nilly to anyone I happened to cross paths with, like I was accusing her of being a leader of the KKK or saying that ENF had four ears, when in reality all I did was tell the truth.  It's so... so... classic.  Just fucking textbook Narc stuff.  Make the truth-teller the bad guy and you've got a bona fide all purpose lifetime get out of jail free card.

I don't remember responding to that high-brow accusation at the time; I'm sure that we'd already moved on to some other area of How-Vanci-Is-Bad, but I see clearly now what she was really saying.

"How dare you out us, Vanci?!?  How dare you refuse to be responsible for our crimes!?!  How dare you not believe exactly what I tell you to believe?!?"

Oh, I fucking dare alright.  I dare to tell the truth no matter what, and to keep doing it until I die.

Dysfunction is dysfunction.  I'm not trying to fix what's broken anymore in the NFOO, but I'll be pointing out the broken and shattered pieces every damn time I see them, to anyone who needs to know.

I dare to, because it's the RIGHT thing to do.  And no matter what I'd said or done, NM never would have been able to grasp that.  No Narcissist would want to, even if they could.



  1. In "A Woman's Way Through the Twelve Steps" the author, Stephanie Covington suggest some things are not meant to be fixed. This doesn't mean we have to put up with them. I have learned that "Accepting the things I cannot change." sometimes means walking away.

    You "outed" your family because they are dysfunctional FOR YOU. Your NM will never accept this because the family dynamic functions perfectly FOR HER. It's just another case of a narc thinking you're entitled to HER opinion!

  2. Most MN's I hear of moan about sundry ailments and fatigue. But when it comes to hoodwinking doctors and manipulating family members and being an all around pain in the ass they just keep on going and going and going (this is me doing the energizer bunny) going and going and (you can stop me anytime you want) going and going and........

  3. I've had the privilege of working with three excellent counselors, at different times in my life. Each fit the struggle at the time. The family Ns' response, "So glad you found someone that will help you." The Ns haven't seen a counselor. They don't need a counselor. It has been stated and implied that they're smart enough to work out their problems without the help of a counselor, unlike me. Sure. Whatever. What I learned: The first thing you have to do is STOP LYING, especially to yourself. It has made a world of difference. Thanks for sharing the truth, Vanci.

  4. Vanci, When they can't kill us, they'll stifle the living crap out of us or die trying to continue to to perpetuate "The Myth" as I call it.

    In my experience these are the most "self-preserving" group I've ever encountered. They are bullet-proof to truth. They will turn on you like a pack of rabid dogs when you dare to speak your truth. They will viscously attack without provocation.....every *last* one of these foos NEED a "scapegoat" to function. I chose to embrace my scapegoat role in it's entirety when I walked away. I simply stopped caring what they "thought" or their frantic attempts to keep me engaged-or "in my place."

    I am MORE than the sum of their dysfunction. I have nothing to hide, including reality. And neither do you.

  5. I think this is why my family isn't really too bothered by my being mostly estranged from them - there's less chance of getting some truth into the ears of people they've got fooled. If I was around, I might blab, and they can't have that.

  6. mulderfan,
    I've learned that acceptance is not acquiescence, acceptance just means recognition of a thing for it's inherent thing-ness. It truly is what it is. Just as a rose by any other name... so a turd.

    ... and going and going... LOL.

    And the best thing about the truth? Once KNOWN, it's pretty hard to make it UNKNOWN, ya know?

    "I am MORE than the sum of their dysfunction." True, true, true words.

    Agreed, and I feel the same way. The more I told the truth, the more they let go. Viva la truth!


  7. I like the quote, "There are none so blind as those that choose not to see." You chose to see; your NFOO didn't. Truth is an amazing thing.

  8. Ruth,
    It is amazing, isn't it? Amazing that when we choose to see the bad, we also see the beauty (like those lovely pictures that you take!)

