Friday, December 16, 2011

Not So Sweet Nothings

I received another call from NM today.  Although I’d hoped that my lack of response to her previous call would deter further attempts to contact me, I know from experience that my response or lack thereof is entirely incidental to her actions.  She’s going to do what she wants to do regardless of me: my actions, my thoughts, my feelings, my desires, my boundaries – what possible meaning do these trivial matters have to her when the world revolves around her, after all?
I mean, read this blog of mine and you’ll come across a GOOD number of examples of exactly what NM, ENF, NSis, GCYB and all their ancillaries think of my boundaries: nothing.  They don’t care and haven’t ever cared what I say or do, as long as they get what they want.  When they stop getting what they want, the attack and stomp all over me and any boundaries that I’ve been brave enough to draw. 
They’ve left me largely alone for the last two and a half years because they couldn’t find any loopholes and really at the end of the day, I’m not worth the effort that it would take for them to adhere to my reasonable boundaries and tell the truth.  It saddens me that the GOOD number of examples to be found in the stories that I’ve posted here are a very small percentage of the violations they’re responsible for.  Just thinking of the myriad ways in which I’ve been ‘beat down, broke and used’ by them is overwhelming.  And those are just the examples that I've had time to put into writing in the last few months; there are so, so many ways that I’ve been hurt by them, individually and acting as a group.  They've expended so much effort manipulating me, gaslighting me, demeaning me, circumventing me, destroying me.  If they’d committed a tenth of that destructive energy to looking within themselves, well, wish in one hand, etc.

Here’s the voicemail I received,
“Vanci, I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk.  I know you haven’t been involved in my health problems over the last four years, but it’s looking like this could be my last Christmas.  I need to see the girls (pause) and you.  Please call me.”
If you are easily offended, please look away as I respond.

Here’s what I heard,
“Vanci, I can’t believe you didn’t answer your phone again and the burden of effort is all on me.  You haven’t been around to help me with these ‘health problems’ because you’re a bad daughter and frankly you’re the cause of a lot of them.  So now I’m going to die, and I want to see MY granddaughters.  Oh, yeah, and you too.  You’d better call.  If I die, you'll be sooooorrrrryyyy!!!!!”
Here’s how I will respond:
"        "
(Crickets chirp.)
Nothing.  She gets nothing from me.

It would be great if I could type something about how she did the best she could with what she had, or that my childhood wasn’t that abusive or that she at least tried to respect me as a young adult or that things changed when I got older and she didn’t suck the life out of me anymore.  But that story starts with ‘Once upon a time…’ and ends with ‘happily ever after.’  And that’s as far from the truth of my life and my treatment at the hands of NM and ENF as far can be. 

She’s had four years to come clean, get honest, get help, reconnect, heal. 
In four years, she’s not done any of these things. 
But she might be dying (according to her voicemail,) so I suppose that’s as good an excuse as any to set aside all of those difficult things that she didn’t fix for herself and … put the burden back on me. 

After all, I was always such a good little peace-making carrier of sins.  I was a fantastic scapegoat.  Until I decided not to be anymore.  And after giving up THIRTY years of my life to be the sacrificial sin-bearer for the NFOO, I’ve paid more than I ever owed.
I won’t be carrying anything for them anymore.  Ever.  Again.   

I’m expecting retaliation for my continued non-response.  I can almost see the Parade of Minions lining up and getting ready to float down the street looking for me.
And guess what?  I know that NM’s recent wave of  pathetic attempts to guilt me into action have worked, just not quiiiiiiiiite in the way that she intended. 
She’s expecting me to jump up and do her bidding, give her what she wants.  Instead, those VM’s have sent me in another direction. 
I’m sharpening my sword of truth and ready for the attack that will inevitably come. 
No matter what or who it comes from, I’m ready.

She's reminded me of just how important it is for me to stand my ground.

These Crazymaking people of the NFOO are lying, cheating, abusive, horrific, mean, and downright nasty.  But I'm not worried, because I know exactly who they are these days, and more importantly, I know exactly who I am.  I'm a good person, I'm a kind person, I'm a strong person, I'm a kickass friend and mother and wife and worker and cook and writer and reader and listener.

I tell the truth and the truth is this: there is nothing that could happen, to me or to them or to anyone in the whole great world, that would spur me to reconnect with the horror that was my life within the NFOO.

That's what they'll get from me, and it's probably better than they deserve.



  1. I admire your strength, Vanic!

    For years, I've been accused of making my NM ill, or even "killing" her, whenever I refused to be the family scapegoat. But, it looks like I can't even get that right because, so far, she's lived to be 89!

    The narcs in my life have pulled "I'm ill, I'm dying." and even "I'm going blind." (never happened) in an attempt to get their hooks into my DD when she was a child.

    These tactics are so transparent and pathetic, it makes you wonder how they can be stupid enough to believe we will fall for them!

    Fuck 'em!

  2. Thank you Vanci for the timely reminder of how NFOO behave. You are a good person. My grandmother pulled the 'I'm Dying' stunt. She lived another 10 years after that with plenty of time to make everyone miserable. If I don't learn from history, I am destined to repeat it. I don't remember who said something like that but it happens so often that it is now a cliche. Thanks for sharing this. I really needed it.

  3. Good on you, Vanci. It's amazingly transparent the typical narc tactics become once you remove yourself from the situation and STAY removed. It takes awhile for all the FOG, years of "training" etc. to clear up, but it does.

    I've often thought if I had any deep, unconscious reservations about my decision to terminate my relationship with NM and NS all those years ago their behavior post NC simply reinforced my decision. And physical death was a huge relief for me: No more stalking, sliming, maligning etc.

    Thank you so much for sharing your many ways it reflects my own and no doubt the experiences of many other ACoNs as well.

  4. Ruth,
    You are welcome and thank you for reading. It's interesting to me how nothing is off limits to the Narcs; my mother's 'health issues' have been an ongoing battle for at least 15 years and there's been a whole lot of this type of 'give me everything I want because I might not make it...' attitude. I think her lynch pin of the manipulation is that we - as good people - are of course scared of losing the people that we 'love.' She's counting on my fear to get her what she wants. And that is the angry part for me. Another day, another escalated manipulation.

    I won't fall for it, though, not this time, as you said, I know the history. I'm glad that you enjoyed the post.


  5. mulderfan,
    Thank you for the admiration of my strength. It occurs to me that every good and true friend in my life tells me that they're proud of me for my strength/character/will and these are the specific traits that the Narcs targeted for destruction.
    Hmmm.... connection?

    Thanks for the fuck 'em, too. That's just right.


  6. Anon,
    Thank you for reading and commenting. That's just it. I wonder if they're even capable of understanding that it would be HARDER for me to remain NC if they didn't make these guilt stabs now and then? Ah, what am I saying?
    They're not thinking about how any of this affects me! Sorry, I forgot for a minute that expecting rational behavior from irrational people is... crazy!

    I'm glad my story can help - it helps me to share it, too!

  7. What is it with Narcs and threats of dying?!? I went NC 3 years ago because the NFOO were starting their games with my child and absolutely refused to acknowledge any of the boundaries I set. Last year the GC emailed me completely out of the blue with a huge sob story about how our NF was DYYYYYYIIINNNNNG of cancer and he spent his days in bed pining for the presence of my DS (no mention of me, just the DS).

    So I sent him a Get Well Soon card. Not a peep out of any of them since.

    You're absolutely right that they do not respect your boundaries. In fact, I think it's affirming to them to breach boundaries.

  8. You wrote:>It saddens me that the GOOD number of examples to be found in the stories that I’ve posted here are a very small percentage of the violations they’re responsible for. Just thinking of the myriad ways in which I’ve been ‘beat down, broke and used’ by them is overwhelming.>

    It wasn't until I went away to college (something they absolutely opposed and refused to provide even a cent toward) that my eyes began to open that something was very, very wrong...and then only because of the reactions of my roommates and friends when it was my turn to share stories. I couldn't figure out why they were always appalled...don't all families have Official Scapegoats, and isn't it the scapegoat's job to make life easier for everyone else in the family?!? Now, with distance, I see how very, very horrible they are.

  9. Good for you! My FOO try to pull these "so & so is going to die soon & if you don't shape up you'll regret it later" tactics on me too. It makes me feel better to know I am not alone in being abused by these mind games and that there are people like you I can follow the example of in being strong. Thank you!

  10. Anon,
    You wrote, "What is it with Narcs and threats of dying?!?" I think it must be desperation. After we've been out of their lives for awhile, they must know that their old day-to-day manipulations won't work, so they have to up the game. And they're narcissists, so I can just imagine that the absolute worst thing they can think of is a world without them. LOL.

    I think you're right, though, it must be affirming to them to breach the boundaries; that power thing again. I stand with mulderfan: "fuck 'em."

    You wrote, " Now, with distance, I see how very, very horrible they are." Freekin' amen.

    It makes me feel better to know I'm not alone, too. :) Thanks for being here to share this journey with me and giving me strength, too.


  11. Vanci,

    I am wondering if maybe the reason NM contacted you was because you saw Mimi - wait. I mean - NM found out that you were in contact with Mimi and that triggered the phone call. Not that the reason matters, particularly, but these Ns seem to use ANY excuse...

  12. Hey Gladys!
    I suppose my reconnection with Mimi might have been the catalyst for her renewed attempts or maybe it's a direct result of knowing that there's a whole other family (in Mimi and her daughter) that ALSO won't be around this holiday season. Or... maybe because it's Tuesday? Or raining? :)
    Who knows, you're right: any excuse is on the table for them.

    Thanks for reading!
