Friday, October 26, 2012

Who You Let Treat You Like That

Today's earlier post and all of the comments and back and forth got me thinking.  Uh oh.  No, really, it's a good thing.  I felt that it was necessary to delete some ill intended comments from an anonymous commenter; particularly I found these comments offensive because she/he was calling other commenters names.  I see no reason to call the people who've taken the time to put their precious energy into speaking here in blogland names.  It's rude, it's unproductive and I don't like it.

So I deleted and I'd do it again.  I've posted a comment policy that summarizes that I will delete commenters who choose to abuse or attack other commenters on this blog.  I feel strongly about this.  Thanks to Q's Sis, vicariousrising, Jonsi and Upsi for discussing this with me in comments.

Most of the other bloggers that I know moderate their comments and I think that could help to avoid the kind of speed attack that was happening today, but I don't want to moderate.  I'm not interested in being tethered to a comment moderation role and it's generally been my experience that those who want to comment do so primarily in helpful, compassionate, empathetic and interesting input.  I'd rather not have those comments sitting in an inbox until I finally remember to check it while in the middle of dinner or on the phone or happily driving home from work. Maybe I'm idealistic, too, and really want to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Most of the other bloggers I know wouldn't have deleted some of the comments that I did today, and I think that's just fine for them.  I respect that decision to let it ride.

What I thought about today though, was something that DH said to me while I was embroiled in the pre-fight warm up round to my extracting myself from the NFOO.  I see a lot of talk about taking the Red Pill, and I think that's an apt metaphor to discovering the truth about our narcissistic families of origin.  My experience was a gradual Wake Up, and that's what I've always identified it as.

The beginning of my realizations that something was very, very wrong with my 'family' happened in September 2006.  I still played my role and did what was expected, you know just giving up all of my time, money, self, like that.  But I was developing this sneaking suspicion that I wasn't quite as invested as I had been.  I started to question things, first to myself, then out loud.  Just little things, like why everyone in my family assumed that all of my nicer-than-theirs (and harder earned) possessions were always to be available to them.  Why it was okay for ENF to borrow my truck and bring it back dirty and with the fuel gauge on E.  Why I not only was expected to make the holiday dinner, but to do it outside of my own home AND pay for the entire thing.  Why, when I asked for partial reimbursement for the food, I was suddenly the bad guy.  Just a few mini rebellions, a few ground tremors... but they were building.

I made my Stand in January 2007, and that's when it all blew the fuck up.  I've written reams about that period of time and what came after, the brief incidents that I've had with flirting at contact and the couple of points of actual contact.

But today I am thinking about that period of time between my first realizations of the Crazymaker Clan's true nature and the solidification of their role as such in my mind and heart.

DH was with me through all of my questioning and all of my bumbling through the horror of finally beginning to understand who they really were, what they were really like and how I was really being treated.  It was rough.  Hot asphalt on bare feet rough.  Needles under fingernails rough.  They fucking launched an all out full scale war against me.  And I didn't know how to react, I wasn't sure what to do with this new attack or with my new feelings.  For awhile, I just stood there and took it.

I got help and started picking up tools, but I was outgunned and outnumbered.  I started to draw boundaries, super broad and weak ones, but they'd violate them right away, and I'd just stand there too caught up in wondering why they'd do that to be able to defend myself while they violated more and more, hit me harder and harder.  I'd draw another one and the cycle would start over.

NSis got into the habit of calling me to berate me and scream at me about what I was doing to her by making myself more unavailable, how I was killing our mother, that I was ruining my daughters' lives, that I was cuckolding my husband (they NEVER would admit that he was anything but controlled by me, that he could possibly have had a say in any of the decisions to limit and eventually end contact, cause, you know, blame is best heaped on the scapegoat and all.)  We're talking about me listening to her rant and rave over the phone for such long periods of time that I'd have plug in my cell phone at the wall charger and stand there leashed to the wall while she laid into me for huge chunks of time, hours even.

I look back at that now and I think, what the fuck?  Why did I answer the phone?  I knew what was coming; the song never changed except that it got longer and meaner.

And DH would get so mad at me for that, he'd be just livid when that phone rang and I answered it.  DH is a nice guy.  When I say that he was livid, I mean that he would turn red in the face and leave the room.  But that's LIVID for DH.  And I, so well trained to be the peacekeeper, soul giver, make everything better for everyone girl, I'd find him eventually (once I'd been released from NSis or NM's or ENF's or GCYB's rage, because eventually they took turns making these calls,) I'd go find DH and say, "I'm sorry, I just have to answer or they'll keep calling.  What if something was wrong and I didn't answer.  Blah, blah, blah..."
And DH finally said to me, "Vanci, you don't let anyone else in the entire world treat you like that.  If I treated you like that, we'd be divorced in a minute.  If your boss treated you like that, you'd walk out on your job.  If a stranger on the street treated you like that, you'd take them OUT.  Why do you let those horrible people treat you like this?"

That was a big part of my wake up process, a significant piece of the manner of the dysfunction clicked into place for me.  I wish I could say that I immediately took his words to heart and got the hell away, but it took awhile still.  Sigh.  I did get away, though, and that's what counts, and I have carried DH's wisdom in my pocket ever since.

I won't be berated for being myself, for having an idea, for having an opinion, for telling the truth, for speaking up or speaking out, for liking or disliking something or someone, for wondering about something or questioning something, for having a heart or for being cold, for my eye color or my word choice or my thoughts.  I just will not allow it for myself or for the people who are visiting my online 'home' here.

Question me?  Yes.  Challenge my thoughts or intentions?  Yes.  Make a suggestion? Yes.  Differ in your view?  Absofreekinlutely.  Argue a point?  I'm game.

Berate or shame or call me names?  Well, if we were face to face I'd tell you that those are gravel-kickin' words.  Or I'd walk away.  I will defend myself, one way or another.  I'm working on the expression of anger thing, so I'll choose to delete and end it rather than to engage.

And that's what my comment policy's about.  Be a human bean and remember that the rest of us are too; act accordingly and appropriately to that fact.  Or... buh-bye.



  1. :)

    I suppose I could say more, but you said it best.

    You studied those Buffy speeches, my friend. I can tell.

    1. vi,
      I'll tell you a funny story about Buffy. There's a post that I'm going to write about isolation that will include some of this, but here's the nut: my NParents forbade us from watching TV and I therefore missed most of the Buffy phenom as it was happening. Didn't really even know about it.

      After NC, my youngest DD got very sick and was home for long periods of time unable to do really anything. We don't have TV (other story) so we'd go to the library and pick up series for her to occupy time with. One day I picked up season 1 of Buffy. She fell in love, and so did I. Serenity, Firefly, Angel and the rest followed.

      She, at 11, had been a fan of the Twilight book series, god help us all. But once Buffy, Willow, Spike, Xander et al came onto the stage, she changed. She started drawing pictures of strong women rather than waifs. She asked me how to make a spike and wondered if she could take martial arts classes when she was feeling better.

      So yeah, Buffy is an unapologetic ass-kicker. We could all hope to be such demon-slayers.


    2. I love this story!

      I was in Italy when Buffy was hitting it big bat the time, there were fan-produced transcripts online that I read to keep up. When I got home, I had a Buffy marathon.

      My Buffy story as related to my parenting is less lovely than yours. My son and I were sitting in a church pew at a dear friend's catholic wedding when my son said in a non-church voice, "Mom, why is a vampire nailed to the cross in the front?"

      The very devout family next to us shifted as far away from us as they could without falling into the aisle.

      I am reluctant to admit, I sort of love that story about my kid.

    3. Vi,
      I sort of love that story about your son, too. If I'd have been sitting next to you, I would have scooted closer to you. Awesome!


    4. Lol. I can't believe you're on another coast. I feel like we're almost sisters in the right sense of the word.

  2. Thanks. I'm working hard on learning to deal with the N's in my life and I'm getting much better at it - some days I even enjoy it! But snarky adolescent (in the worst sense of that word) remarks and general sniping online is tough to deal with and I've decided that I can only follow blogs that offer this kind of moderation - expecially since I usually check blogs at 5:30 am - not ready for the Beast yet! It's good to have places to go where I can learn more about the Beast and how to slay it without being blind-sided.

    1. Toto,
      Good for you. Identification and enforcement of boundaries was a tricky learning curve for me. I often had to default to 'just keep swimming' as my only tool. Circle back, start over. I'm glad you're deciding what is right for you.


  3. I'm no longer anyone's door mat, but lately, adjusting to standing upright has brought me face-to-face with a lot of assholes! When I stand up and fight, the reactions are kinda fun to watch!

    I also know when to walk away, which is also fun.

    I love your blog Vanci. The keyword is "your"!

    1. mulderfan,
      Thank you. I love "your" blog, too!

      It's always interesting to watch the reaction of people who expect us to roll over and play dead, isn't it?
      A lady I work with says that I have "hidden, inner steel for a backbone." I like that.


  4. your DH sounds like an awesome guy. and it does take us some time to apply the principles we have for the rest of the world to our families. they are the last ones we demand respect from. but eventually the fact rings in our heads: we wouldn't let anyone else treat us like shit.

    I was walking downtown yesterday and this woman passing me looked right in my face and said 'fuck you' I turned around and said, 'wow, really?' and realized the same point you're making here. apply your instincts without discrimination. mom, co-worker, crazy lady on the street. what we take from people shouldn't be categoried.

    1. upsi,
      DH is awesome, so awesome. He saw me for who I really was long before I even knew, and he was (and remains) so happy that I was able to get away from the destructive forces in my life. He's a keeper. :)

      I am a freak when it comes to strangers. One of my favorite things to do is to walk around in cities and make eye contact with and smile at all of the passing city dwellers. LOL. Interesting reactions.

      I've found that when I get an adverse reaction, like, oh, "fuck you," the best thing to do is to feign a shocked expression and say things like, "right now?" or, "But I haven't shaved my legs in a week!" Tee hee. It usually stuns people so much that they either laugh or I at least have time to get away.

      Yes, we sort of have to heal from the outside in, don't we? Sad that people who are supposed to love us do us the most damage and that we have to learn how we should be treated through strangers first, but a lesson that I'm glad we can at least find somewhere.


    2. Omg. I'm going to have to try that next outing. Normally I'm loathe to make eye contact -- I get weird propositions sometimes and my jogging speed ain't up to maximum flee.

      But in a daylight, crowd with escort situation, I would love to watch those eye contact responses.

    3. Vi,
      My all time favorite respose is a SUPER CHEERY "No, thank you!" And just keep walking.


    4. Lmao. I like the idea of coming off a little unhinged... But happy ;)

  5. Vanci, Yk I see this development as another step in recognizing the value in respecting ourselves, valuing our selves DESPITE those who have de-valued us forever in our Narc FOOlishness. It's another way of saying, "This is a boundary. More specifically, this is MY boundary. Violate it at your hazard, fair warning has now been given." And then when they do what they will inevitably do, that's it, buh-bye, you're now in the rear-view mirror of my life if you're anywhere at all."
    I have a very clear understanding of what you're saying about differing opinions, POVs etc. That's why I read different Blogs-they have different "flavors" so to speak, although the principles are the same: Life after surviving or while trying to extricate yourself from Crazyville. When people attempt to pull the SAME stuff whether it's IRL or in cyberspace, that aircraft won't fly, period the end.
    Considering the recent outbreak of Crazyville Narc Troll time, why would establishing and maintaining YOUR boundary at YOUR "place" be one bit different? I've often thought of and used the "Delete" key on my keyboard because it allows ME to enforce my boundaries re: what flies and what doesn't and Trolls inevitably crash-'n-burn quickly without a second thought.
    Blog On, Ms. Vanci, Blog ON.

    1. TW,
      Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. I'd like to inform you that we have permission to taxi onto the runway, but unfortunately we've discovered that there are too many psychos on the plane today in order for us to be able to fly. Would the crazymakers in seats 5D and 28E please come to the front of the plane for deletion? Thank you.


    2. Roger that, Captain. I'll be documenting this hilarity in my stewardess log, over

  6. Why has it taken me so long to see the correlation of "if I wouldn't let a stranger do this, why am I letting you?" I don't know why this finally resonates with me today, but today is it.

    1. Judy,
      I believe that we know and understand what we know and understand exactly when we are supposed to know and understand it. Is that Zen of me or what? :)

      You're making such progress, I love seeing you take action and ownership of protecting yourself.


  7. Yes, exactly, don't put up with abusive posts. Like you said, you wouldn't put up with it face to face. I don't know why people use the internet to be mean to people. Love this: "I won't be berated for being myself, for having an idea, for having an opinion, for telling the truth, for speaking up or speaking out..."
    Having a voice, speaking your truth, yay for that!

    Q's Sis

  8. I was just thinking (and this is hart an original thought)... why don't these bursting with fruit flavor anons start their own public blogs to vilify us assholes they hate so much? Why must they spew in inhospitable locales when they could set up their own?

    Accountability. That's why not.

  9. ^and to quite another Q-ism and "-ism" in general: "Bada bing"
    I asked last week on q's site, "What, is this "All Trolls Day?" Wrong again, TW. It's "All Trolls Week." And who knows it may be "All Trolls" into the indefinite future.
    Ahhh, the joy of the "Delete" key.
    Damn, I wish there was something so clear, neat and irrevocable in real life. But again, IRL, they do continue their shit until I need to get law enforcement involved and then my Stalker is left to explain their behavior to someone else and hope they'll bail 'em.
    So far, no "takers." ;)

  10. Thank you Vanci for your blog and this post. Thank you to all the comments that reinforce my rights and responsibilities of having an opinion and sharing it. I learn so much and sometimes I laugh so hard. Occasionally I cry over the hurt and sometimes I get really mad at the trolls that think it is their right to silence me or anyone else. My counselor taught me the 3Ds of dealing with NM and any other person that wants to belittle me. Delete...Delete...Delete.

    1. Ruth,
      Thank you.
      I feel the same about you and your blog and comments. I learn so much from your quiet, detailed assessments of the state of feelings and love.

